Announcing Your 2022 Stragglers Summer Grand Prix
Posted by Simon Webb on 20 February 2022
With the Winter Grand Prix almost over, we’re delighted to announce the dates for the 2022 Stragglers Summer Grand Prix.
The series of ten events kicks off with the Club 10k on Sunday 24 April in Bushy Park and is rounded off at the not-to-be-missed occasion of the 40th anniversary of the Wedding Day 7k at the end of July – Friday night, bar open, what’s not to love?
See the full calendar and how scoring works here.
In total there is one half marathon, 3 x 10ks, 1 x 7 miler, 2 x 5 milers, 1 x 7k and 2 x 5k. There are a number of mob matches including with Wimbledon Windmilers on 21 May at Bushy parkrun and with Ranelagh on 18 June at Old Deer parkrun as well as the usual competition with 26.2 at the Claygate Country 5 (CC5).
The Club is also paying for 40 Stragglers in 3 of the events - the Richmond half marathon on 8 May, the CC5 on 3 July and the Elmore 7 on 16 July. As before for the later races, we will give preference to those who have not received a place in an earlier one. The call out for the Richmond Half Marathon will be in Stragmail on Wednesday March 2nd.
We look forward to seeing you for some fun in the (hopefully) sun!